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Trump says virus in US will get worse before it gets better

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the “nasty horrible’” coronavirus will get worse in the U.S. before it gets better, but he also tried to paint a rosy picture of efforts with governors to conquer the disease that has claimed more than 140,000 American lives in just five months.

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C.D.C. says the number of people infected ‘far exceeds the number of reported cases’ in parts of the U.S.

 The number of people infected with the coronavirus in different parts of the United States was anywhere from two to 13 times higher than the reported rates for those regions, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The findings suggest that large numbers of people who did not have symptoms or did not seek medical care may have kept the virus circulating in their communities. The study is the largest of its kind to date, although some early data was released last month.

“These data continue to show that the number of people who have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 far exceeds the number of reported cases,” Dr. Fiona Havers, the C.D.C. researcher who led the study, said in an email. “Many of these people likely had no symptoms or mild illness and may have had no idea that they were infected.”

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EU agrees on $2.1 trillion deal after marathon summit

BRUSSELS (AP) — After four days and nights of wrangling, exhausted European Union leaders finally clinched a deal on an unprecedented 1.8 trillion-euro ($2.1 trillion) budget and coronavirus recovery fund early Tuesday, after one of their longest summits ever.

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Text of CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield's statement on new requirement that corovirus date be submitted to HHs instead of CDC

CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield and HHS Chief Information Officer Jose Arrieta Remarks on HHS Protect | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

CDC Director Robert Redfield and HHS Chief Information Officer Jose Arrieta provided an update for the media on HHS efforts to gather and disseminate real-time hospital data on COVID-19. Below are their statements as prepared for delivery.(July, 15, 2020.)

(Editors note: This news conference was held in response to reports that the administration was requiring that COVID-19 dfata be submitted directly to HHS, instead of the CDC.) 

(Excerpts from Dr.Redfield's statement: 

"We at CDC know that the lifeblood of public health is data. Collecting and disseminating that data as rapidly as possible is our top priority, and the reason for the policy change we’re discussing today.

As many of you know, CDC operates a system called the National Health Safety Network. This is an important surveillance system in our nation’s hospitals, which focuses on fighting antibiotic resistance.

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