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BP cherry-picks study to dodge blame for massive deaths of gulf dolphins

BP's Deepwater Horizon oil platform burns in April 2010, fouling the Gulf Coast: Is it responsible for a massive die-off of dolphins? (Gerald Herbert / Associated Press)

Image: BP's Deepwater Horizon oil platform burns in April 2010, fouling the Gulf Coast: Is it responsible for a massive die-off of dolphins? (Gerald Herbert / Associated Press) - February 16th 2015 - Michael Hiltzik

In the years since its Deepwater Horizon oil spill befouled huge stretches of the Gulf of Mexico, oil giant BP has honed its skill at cherry-picking scientific studies to duck responsibility for the spill's environmental impacts.

Its latest effort concerns a study of a massive die-off of bottlenose dolphins in the gulf from 2010 through June 2013, occurring mostly after the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout caused the worst oil spill in history. The peer-reviewed study, led by Stephanie Venn-Watson of the National Marine Mammal Foundation in San Diego, was funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and published last week in the open-access journal PLoS One.

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Stephen Palumbi: The Hidden Toxins in the Fish We Eat -- and How to Stop Them - Filmed April 2010

There's a tight link between the ocean's health and ours, says marine biologist Stephen Palumbi. He shows how toxins at the bottom of the ocean food chain find their way into our bodies, with a shocking story of toxic contamination from a Japanese fish market. His work points a way forward for saving the oceans' health — and humanity's.

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A Talk by Dr. Riki Ott: EPA National Contingency Plan and the Gulf

Pensacola, Florida - June 10, 2014

Objective: By April of 2015, the ALERT pilot study will conduct health evaluations and environmental baseline monitoring, and establish networks of informed health care providers, in two regions of the country at-risk from petrochemical exposure----Gulf Coast communities harmed by the 2010 BP DWH disaster and Keystone XL corridor communities. ALERT will test for evidence of chemical exposure and provide training for treatment for oil-chemical related illness in these exposed communities. An important component of the ALERT project will be focused on educating community leaders and the public on the risks and health effects of petrochemical exposure to work toward solutions for treatment of current illnesses and protect against future exposure events.

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Senator Boxer's Statement: The Keystone Pipeline and the Threat to Human Health


Senator Barbara Boxer
Keystone Pipeline and the Threat to Human Health
February 26, 2014
(As prepared for delivery)

We are here today to share dramatic new information that will shine a spotlight on the health impacts of tar sands oil - health impacts that are already being felt in communities exposed to one of the filthiest kinds of oil on our planet.

The Keystone XL pipeline will allow 830,000 barrels of tar sands oil every day to flow through our nation - an initial increase of 45 percent compared to what is being imported today - and this project could just be the beginning. In the long term, it is projected that Canada would produce almost 300 percent more tar sands oil by 2030.

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Video - Part 2 - Lots of Inconvenient Truths -- Chemical Illness Epidemic in the Wake of the BP Blowout

Riki Ott - Huffington Post - June 8, 2011

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Cholera in Eastpoint, Florida

Letter Hand-Delivered to Governor Rick Scott today 5/4/11

re: Toxic Waters and Cholera Outbreak in Florida - by Anita Stewart

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Video - Interview with Robert (Bob) D. Allen - Problems at Eastpoint Wastewater Treatment Plant

Another relevant video by John Hutchison (briefly documents his clean-up efforts) . .

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Cholera in Eastpoint, Florida - History of Acknowledged Trouble

dear Mike and group:

there seems to be a history of acknowledged trouble in the area. here are some
references and contacts. a nice hurricane or two to churn up the shallow bay
might worsen conditions further.

national research reserve:,_Florida



- - - - -
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Vibrio Cholera traced back to Apalachicola Bay oysters

Some Apalachicola Bay oysters are being recalled after being linked
to an outbreak of Vibrio cholera.
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Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection - Inspection Report - Eastpoint Wastewater Treatment Plant - June 15, 2009

Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection - Eastpoint Wastewater Treatment Plant
Inspection Report - June 15, 2009 (a 13 page PDF report)


submitted by Stuart Leiderman

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